Next Steps with Tag:
Rick Shurtz

The Centered Life

Sunday, November 27th

For what are you striving? What are you clinging to in order to get to where you want to be? Me-centered living often seems the best way to live. It can work for a short while, but it ultimately fails us. So how can we put God at our center trusting Him with all things and live a more profound yet Centered Life?

Work through the following Scriptures and questions on your own, and get together with your running partner, Life Group or friends and family to talk through what you’re learning!

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This Matters :: You Matter

Gateway South & Central


What’s most important to live a life with purpose and intentionality? Inspired by the book of Colossians, THIS MATTERS intends to help you realize that you matter way more than you think! Next Steps are designed to help you maximize the impact of the message You Matter this week. Work through the following questions, and get together with your Life Group, running partner, &/or friends to discuss what you’ve learned!

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#2016ChallengeAccepted (Financial)


Money is involved in everything, such as day-to-day living, going to the doctor, starting a company, and taking a vacation. Everything. So naturally we spend a lot of time thinking about money—what we can do with it and what can happen when we don’t have enough. Many of us spend a good amount of time worrying about money despite that fact the Bible says we’re to do otherwise. We’re meant to both enjoy our money and steward it wisely, with God as the foundation. Work through the following questions, and get together with your running partner, life group, friends, or family around the dinner table and talk through your answers.

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