We know many people come to church because they are at a crisis point in their lives.  God wants to meet you where you are, and so do we!  We believe that is part of our role as a church. In addition to our Recovery programs, we offer a variety of special-topic classes listed below.


Classes are offered at both Gateway’s North Austin & South Austin locations, typically once in the fall and in the spring. We can’t guarantee every class listed below will be offered next session or will be offered at both locations, but if there’s a class you’re interested in, let us know. We’ll then let you know more details when we know them.


13-Week Class

Designed for anyone who has or is going through the process of a divorce. Find the support to help deal with the pain and to look forward to rebuilding a new life.


Cost is $25.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).



is designed for children, ages
6-11 years old, to help them to heal from the pain caused by a separation or divorce. The children’s group works in tandem with a parent’s experience in the adult group.


Cost is $25 per child.


11-Week Class

Designed to help individuals explore and create appropriate personal boundaries while living and working in relationships and environments of all kinds.


Cost is $25.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


For any other questions, email Restore@GatewayChurch.com.

13-Week Class

This is an adult women’s support group for victims of sexual abuse. It’s a confidential group and is based on Dan Allendar’s book, Wounded Heart.


Cost is $20.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


For any other questions, email Restore@GatewayChurch.com.

13-Week Class

Designed for adults who have experienced the death of a loved one offering a safe, confidential place to share and process grief, and to embark on a journey of healing.


Cost is $25.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


For any other questions, email Restore@GatewayChurch.com.

9-Week Class

If you want to take charge of your finances, Financial Peace University (FPU) is for you! This 9-week class is designed to help individuals navigate challenging financial situations towards successful financial planning and peace. You’ll learn valuable lessons of how to get a money plan together, become debt free, and prepare for the future!


Cost is $100.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


8-Week Class

Designed for engaged or seriously dating couples seeking to build the foundations for a healthy relationship or marriage.


Cost is $40 per couple and includes a comprehensive relationship assessment as well as the option to apply for the Texas marriage license.

Free childcare is available (0-12 years old).


Any couple who is interested in having a Gateway pastor officiate their wedding must go through SoulMates.


For any other questions, email Restore@GatewayChurch.com.

7-Week Class

Whether you’re newly married, remarried, or wanting to improve your relationship, Marriage: Built to Last provides biblical and practical teaching to give you tools to live intentionally and love biblically.


Cost is $25 per couple.
Free childcare is available (0-12 years old).


For any other questions, email Restore@GatewayChurch.com.

13-Week Class

Find a plan to heal from the pain of affairs and betrayal. Helps couples survive an affair and rebuild their marriage. Designed for both the hurt and unfaithful spouse.


Cost is $200 per couple.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


This is a very special opportunity for couples facing this crisis in their marriage. Gateway is one of the only churches who are offering this class at a $400 discount. It will be well worth the investment!


For any other questions, email Restore@GatewayChurch.com.

13-Week Class



Whether parenting, fostering or adopting, let us walk with you through the challenges of parenting children of any age and behavior level as we discuss how God created us to be connected.


Cost is $30.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


Let us know if you may be interested, and we’ll contact you when more details become available.

6-Week Class

Are you finding that the expectations that you had for your marriage are not being met?


Learn how to transform your expectations, look to God, and experience marriage as it was designed. iMarriage is a 6-week marriage-makeover class that helps couples identify a series of issues that can potentially rob their marriage of its full potential.

The class will provide you with tools you need to develop a stronger marriage.

Cost is $25 /couple. Childcare is available (0-12YRS)




Our Domestic Violence Recovery Group is designed to help women move towards healing from current and/or past abuse. The group is based in a book with discussion each week.


Cost is TBD.
Childcare is available (0-12 years old).


Let us know if you may be interested, and we’ll contact you when more details become available.