EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT GATEWAY. We don’t care who you voted for, how many figures are in your income, what kind of flip flops you wear, what doubts or questions you have or even how messed up you think your life might be. We have a place for you…unless, of course, you’re perfect. In that case, you might not like it around here, because we’re a No-Perfect-People-Allowed kind of church.

We’re a community of people who are “in process.” We have imperfect, messy lives, but we’re pursuing and experiencing a transformative relationship with Jesus and one another. People often think they’ve got to get their act together before showing up at church. That’s the exact opposite of what God intended. He, more than anyone, knows that life is challenging, and His church is meant to be friends who spur you on with both truth and love.

So, whether you’ve been following Jesus for a long time or you’re exploring faith for the first time, we’re glad you’re here.

If you are just checking out faith....

Discover Q&A

You’ve got questions. Of course, you do because we all do.  This is a great place to start. If you want to talk to someone in person, we’re glad to meet with you, too.


Alpha is a chance to explore and question the meaning of life,God,faith and learn more about what it means to follow Jesus. In a fun, relaxed setting, you’ll have a chance to share a meal, connect with others, and wrestle with doubts. So, bring your questions, and we’ll dig in together.


If you have been exploring faith and recently made a decision to follow Jesus, baptism is your next step. This is an opportunity to celebrate that decision publicly with friends and family who have been on this journey with you.

If you need help....


Restore is a verb – an action word. Restoration returns us to our intended state of existence. Restore offers “Next Step” opportunities to those seeking hope, healing and restoration. You’ll find options including both individual and couples counseling, and a variety of special-topic classes designed to provide community and support to those seeking next steps.


Prayer is our greatest resource against the challenges in this world. Whether you’re comfortable with the idea or not our team is glad to meet you where you are. Our prayer team is available to pray 24/7 via email at prayer@gatewaychurch.com. You can also have someone pray with you in person after any of our services on any of our campuses.

1 to 1

Sometimes you just need to process with someone to figure out where to go from here. That’s what 1 to 1 is all about. Our trained staff and volunteers can listen to where you are today, focus on what your needs might be, and make you aware of available resources both within Gateway, as well as the city. Together you can come up with a plan to move forward.

If you are coming from another church...

If church is not new for you, you may have questions about what we believe, what we’re about, and why we do the things we do around here. Check out our Mission, Values and Beliefs, as well as our FAQs.  If you like what you see and what you’ve experienced, go ahead and get started.




If you are outside of Austin, join us at Gateway Online

We stream our services live every Sunday at  9:30am and 11:30am CT. You can also connect with our global networks through our Facebook group and discover if there are other Gateway folks in your part of the world.