WE’RE CONVINCED THAT EVERYBODY WORKING TOGETHER IS MORE POWERFUL THAN EVERYBODY WORKING ALONE. Part of God’s amazing plan—how He wired us to live connected to Him and to one another—is not only for our own transformation, but also for the transformation of others. We continue to grow and be changed as we help others grow and change. God never intended us to sit on the the sidelines, watching the world around us. He wants us to jump in and be part of what He’s doing—meeting the relational, physical, and spiritual needs in our world. At Gateway, we’re committed to serving one another—our neighbors, our city and our world.


It takes hundreds of people to create a Gateway experience every week. God created his church to work together, everyone using their gifts, to serve one another. There are opportunities to use your time and energy to care for kids and students, produce services, welcome guests, lead small groups, serve coffee or lemonade, build stage sets… the list goes on and on. Honestly, we can’t “do church” without the church and we can’t become who God intends us to be with out finding your place in His body.


We’re committed to making a difference in our city and neighborhoods. Gateway serves hundreds of people every month in our Austin community through our tutoring partnerships, our own Feed the Community program, our community garden called Grow Together. We are also committed as individuals, small groups and networks who care for their neighbors and individuals who serve those in their circle of influence.


Our commitment to meet physical and spiritual needs extends to our global community.  We currently have global partners that we’ve chosen through their impact on some of the most poverty-stricken places in the world. We  partner through financial resources, as well as by sending teams several times through out the year. Our current partners are located in India, Haiti, Greece and Burundi.


Each of us can help someone follow Jesus. This was what Jesus modeled with His first followers. He gathered a small group of people together to learn about His life and purpose. Then those people helped others learn about Jesus’ life and purpose, who helped others—and the movement continued and multiplied relationally around the world. We continue this practice of relational multiplication primarily through Life Group leadership.

FInancial Giving

Part of accomplishing more together than alone is through financial giving. Gateway is a completely self-funded, non-profit organization. We can only do what we do as a church when we pool our resources. Your commitment to give regularly helps meet the significant needs of thousands of people who attend our two Austin campuses as well as our Internet Campus. When you give, you’re impacting people and communities, both locally and globally. The easiest way to give is online, which is what half of our church now does.

Giving financially is a way for all of us to participate in what God is doing right here in our own communities, as well as around the world. Your giving helps meet physical and spiritual needs of thousands of people who attend our three Austin campuses, as well as our Online campus each week. You’re also impacting people and communities in India and the Haiti through our global partnerships. We appreciate your joining us in our mission. Your faithful contributions help bring life and freedom to individuals around the globe.