Your Word of the Year

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Sunday, January 1st

Picking a word of the year is different than your typical New Year’s resolution. It doesn’t exist to be a constant reminder of what you “should be doing.” Instead, it stands as an inspiration of who you really are in Christ and how you want to live. The word invites you to think about who you want to be, who God created you to be. So, choose a word that will help you experience this.

Key reminders as you step into discovering your word:

Be authentic. Your word should reflect YOU, and no one else. It’s easy to listen to others’ words and pick one that sounds good, but you want a word that’s uniquely yours. Choose one that resonates with you on a deeper level, one that God can use to challenge you and strengthen you.

Don’t overthink it. There’s no wrong answer, so just breathe and enjoy the process. There’s no need to stress or overthink it.

1. Take time to reflect on what Jesus has been saying to you recently thru his Word, music, and your life. Anything sticks out to you? Any lessons you feel like God is trying to teach you? Jot these thoughts down.

2. Write down the words that come to your heart and mind after reading through your thoughts. Review your list and circle any words that stand out. Does anything jump out? Is there a word that embodies several of the words you have circled?

3. Your word may come to you immediately or may require more listening and processing.  Know that it is okay to reflect and pray on it and seek input from God and others. It’s not about whittling down a long list of words; it’s about identifying the word that keeps coming back to nag at your heart.

4. Continue reflecting, listening, and praying until the magical light bulb goes off and the heavens part and a dove descends with your word written on a white, gold plated letter. Just kidding. That won’t really happen. But there will come a moment, when in the stillness of your heart, you will know, and then you can write in the blank below … YOUR word.


So … now you have your word! What can you do with it? Every word has different actions attached to it, especially how it relates to your story. There are things you can do every day of the year, regardless of what your word is:

  • Write your word! – Write it with ink, pencil, paint, in sand, on your computer, on a typewriter, wipe-off board, or print a picture and frame it.
  • Find your word! – Find it in billboards, ads, books, movies, Scripture, daily conversations. Just keep your eyes and ears open!
  • Journal your word! – Why did you choose this word? What do you want to get from your word? How do you want to change, grow, learn?
  • Wear your word! – Make or buy bracelets, charms, keychains, or more with your word on it.
  • Share your word! – Let those around you know about your word. Ask them to join you in the journey. Invite them to pray about your word for you and hold you accountable to living it out!
  • Post your word! – Post it around your house and work. Use Post-its, dry-erase boards, refrigerator magnets, or keep a one-word journal for throughout the year.
  • Study your word! – Find things that focus on your word. Look up the definition. Set out to learn as much as you can about your word. See how it specifically shows up for you.
  • Pray your word! – Ask God to show up for you and reveal your word to you.
  • Claim your word! – Own it. Live it out.
  • Celebrate your growth in living out your word! – Celebrate the small and big wins!  Celebrate getting back up after you’ve been knocked down!  Celebrate persevering in your word!  Celebrate what God is doing in and through you related to your word!