
This is not an internship.


The Leadership Development Program is a leadership crucible that serves as the entry point of a catalytic system that will equip the future generations of church leaders, staff, and potential campus pastors for Gateway and the church beyond.


The Leadership Development Program aims to develop men & women to discover & fulfill their call in full-time church ministry through mentoring, instruction, experience, and modeling.


The application for the 2018-2019 year will go live in early Spring.




Learning Labs

  • Weekly huddles with leadership and church ministry topics taught by John Burke and other Gateway staff
  • Monthly theology class
  • Weekly Old Testament / New Testament Survey

Practical Ministry Experience

  • Seasonal hands-on projects with essential responsibilities
  • 1 on 1 feedback and development from your designated department mentor
  • Personal leadership development from the leadership expansion department

Spiritual Development

  • Participation in a life group with others in the program
  • Spiritual development plan
  • Leadership commissioning process

Areas of Focus



  • Plan and implement Winter Camp
  • Participate in a summer mission trip
  • Learn how to recruit, train, and develop volunteers
  • Create and implement both large groups and small groups for multiple ages



  • Receive first-hand experience with worship teams that are spiritually-healthy and musically-excellent
  • Prepare and help execute music plans for weekly inspire services
  • Learn training techniques for vocals and stage presence
  • Assist producers with inspire services



  • Learn about church marketing, including branding and effective storytelling
  • Participate in social media strategizing
  • Experience graphic design planning and creation
  • Help with church communications, including writing/editing copy and general printing techniques



  • Assist with prioritizing and managing video requests
  • Edit footage
  • Lead production process and produce services
  • Receive training in creative leadership



  • Learn about network and server assistance
  • Manage and prioritize IT ticket requests
  • Help with database management
  • Problem-solve IT issues



  • Learn recruiting process and help manage applications
  • Assist HR Director and HR Generalist with employee engagement
  • Manage benefits data
  • Plan and execute miscellaneous projects and events



  • Learn how to create a Come As You Are environment
  • Implement Connections strategies
  • Recruit and invest in volunteers
  • Experience all Guest Services serving teams: greeting, parking, hospitality.



  • Work with production volunteers and contract employees
  • Research materials for creative elements
  • Plan logistics for creative elements
  • Assist the on-campus producer for each worship experience


25% of your time will be spent focusing on leadership expansion.

75% of your time will be spent working directly within your ministry department.


We also offer a part-time option that’s 50%/50%; however, we highly encourage all applicants to commit to our full-time program.

IMPORTANT 2017 – 2018 DATES:


August 21,2017 – Kick off day
August __, 2017 – August __, 2017 – Mandatory LDP retreat
* officially on-boarded upon completion of retreat *
August 28, 2017 – Quest 1 completed
October 16, 2017 – Quest 2 completed
February 5,2018 – Quest 3 completed
May 28, 2018 – Quest 4 completed
June 25, 2018 – Quest 5 completed
June 27, 2018 – Graduation


What is the time commitment to be in the Leadership Development Program?

You can choose to do the program part-time (25 hours) or full-time (40 hours). The hours are consistent with a typical ministry schedule. Depending on your ministry area, you will serve 2-8 hours on Sundays.

How long does the Leadership Development Program last?

The program will last 10 months. Welcome day is August 21st, 2017 and that week includes a mandatory retreat for all LDPs. The program will end on June 30th, 2018.

What is the cost to complete the program?

There is no cost to complete the program. You can either work a part-time job to pay for your living expenses, or you can raise support to cover rent, food, and other living necessities. We will work with you to determine the amount you will need to raise. Gateway Church will cover the cost of all materials needed for the program.

I have no experience raising support. Will you help me?

Yes! We will provide tools, resources, trainings, and accountability to guide and encourage you through the process.

Who is the ideal candidate?

The LDPs ideal candidate (but not limited to) is a Christ following young adult who is hungry to expand their leadership potential. Specific ministry experience in your department of interest is not required, but a plus!

When will I find out if I am accepted into the Leadership Development Program?

Applicants will hear back by May 11th, 2017 regarding acceptance. We want to ensure that applicants have ample time to prepare for next steps (i.e. moving, support raising, scheduling, etc.)

Can you help me find a place to live?

Gateway has a limited number of families that have opened their homes to single residents and married residents without children. If an opportunity exists, we will match you up. Otherwise, we can give guidance on areas of the city that might provide affordable housing.

How many people will be accepted into the program?

We have a limited number of spots available, so we recommend applying early. The first to apply are the first to be contacted!

How can I get college credit?

If your college or university offers internship opportunities, we will work directly with your school to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements. 

Additional questions? Email HR@gatewaychurch.com


Interested in becoming a part of the Leadership Development Program?

Applications for the 2018-2019 year will go live in early Spring.



Our Leadership Development Program’s participants depend on the generous giving of others to be able to fully participate in the program. If you’d like to financially support someone so they can make the most of this immersive ministry experience, click on the “Give Now” button below. Giving is done via the secure site Kimbia.com.