We host two Child Dedication services a year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall. We see Child Dedication as a very special service for families during which the parents present their child / children to the Lord, surrounded by family, friends, and their church community.
The dedication includes several things:
- We dedicate the child / children to God. Our prayer of dedication is that they will grow in knowledge of God and his son Jesus and that when the child / children are old enough, they would make a decision to follow him. This isn’t the salvation of a child or a “necessary spiritual step,” but rather acknowledging that we want God to be in the life of this child.
- We dedicate the parents to God. God has entrusted the parents to spiritually train children. The church is here to help, but ultimately the responsibility is on the parents. So we pray to dedicate Mom and Dad’s efforts of creating a safe and healthy environment where a child can learn about God and grow in a relationship with him. So, in this dedication, Mom and Dad commit to do everything within their ability to point their children to God and help them follow Him.
- We dedicate the family and friends to God. Children are rarely influenced by the parents alone. Family and friends have significant influence. It is the responsibility of family and friends to hold parents accountable and encourage parents in both their marriage relationship and efforts to spiritually train their children.